Friday, May 22, 2015

Elder Law: Heading Down the Home Stretch to a Great Year

By Elizabeth P. Allen and Debra L. Dandar

As we head down the home stretch to the summer break for the Elder Law Section, we would like to update you on the meetings since our last article and keep you informed about the final speaker of the program year.

We had presentations on many diverse topics. On February 5, Travis Finchum, a trustee of National Non-Profit for Americans with Disabilities Inc., the nonprofit corporation that administers Guardian Pooled Trust, gave a very informative presentation to attendees on SSI rules and lesser known Medicaid programs, such as QMB, SLMB, QI1, and Medically Needy. On March 13, April Hill, a frequent lecturer on VA topics, and Javier Centonzio, a former clerk for the Federal Court of Appeals for Veterans’ Claims, gave us an insider’s overview of the VA health care system, as well as VA Pension, Aid and Attendance and service-connected compensation. They also commented on the newly issued proposed regulations affecting the Improved Pension Program. On April 23, Tae Kelley Bronner, a renowned expert on the subject of homestead, presented a review of the relevant law regarding the constitutional homestead exemption from claims of creditors and the impact of trusts on the availability of that exemption.

The section’s last program before the summer break will be May 29 and will spotlight Dale Krause, of Krause Financial. Originally scheduled for the January meeting, his appearance was prevented by weather conditions at that time, but he graciously agreed to come back for the last meeting of 2014-2015. Krause will provide an overview of Medicaid and VA compliant annuities, options available to deal with non-compliant annuities, and the use of annuities in personal service contracts.

Each luncheon qualifies for one hour of CLE credit. Networking begins at 11:30 a.m., with luncheons beginning at noon. All luncheons are held in the Chester H. Ferguson Law Center. We look forward to seeing you at the luncheons, and as always, if you have suggestions or ideas or would like to submit an article for publication in the Lawyer magazine, please contact Elizabeth P. Allen ― or (813) 877-9222 ― or Debra L. Dandar ― or (813) 282-3390.